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Jessica Fuda Daddio, owner & instructor

Join her on Insta @dreamingtreeyoga_erie


Jessica worked as a classroom teacher for several years, during which time she decided to pursue her Ph.D. in education. Upon receiving her doctorate, she began working in education at the university level, but ensconced in the world of academia, she struggled to find balance in her life. A friend suggested that she try hot yoga and hesitantly, Jessica decided to give it a try. Her first class was difficult, and she spent half of that class in the bathroom trying to cool off. Nevertheless, she returned the next week and has continued practicing hot Vinyasa Power Yoga ever since.

Almost immediately, and continuing over time, she found that the practice of yoga was making an enormous difference in her life, and she wanted to better understand exactly what was happening and why. She enrolled in Teacher Training in Vinyasa Power Yoga and completed her yoga teaching certification in 2016. Invigorated by the experience, she continued her training and completed her 200 hours in 2017, traveling the world doing yoga. Jess is an E-RYT 200 YACEP. She is currently finishing her 500 hours so she can share the teaching of yoga with future teachers.


Jessica hopes to share the beauty of Vinyasa Power Yoga with her students and has the goal of helping others connect breath to movement with an open mind and open heart. Through this practice, she knows that their balance of life will begin to flow, just as it did for her.

darian switzer

Darian found yoga as a way to stay active and manage pain following an accident in 2015. She discovered power yoga a few years later, and fell in love with the upbeat music and flow combined with the restorative healing effects of yoga. Darian received her power vinyasa yoga teacher training in March of 2023 and has taught in multiple settings since her training. Darian brings upbeat music and Intermediate level flows to the studio while also focusing on breath work and alignment. Class will begin and end with slower stretching and longer held poses to warm up and cool down the body from the vinyasa flow.


Darian Switzer


Katy Marczak

When Katy was introduced to Vinyasa Power Flow Yoga by her friend Darian, she was immediately hooked. Her yoga practice helped her create a positive energy-filled space in her heart both on and off the mat. Katy is grateful to be able to share her passions for teaching through yoga. She has found a safe space in her yoga practice to be free and be herself alongside her yoga family at Dreaming Tree Yoga. Katy's classes will incorporate strength-based poses and creative sequencing to challenge students throughout practice.

Katy Marczak

Megan mingarelle

Megan’s journey with yoga started when she was diagnosed with breast cancer at 36. As a competitive cyclist, runner, and triathlete, she was anxious to find a way to stay physically active- which led her to discover yoga. Megan has learned throughout her journey that yoga is not just a physical practice, but a mind and body connection practiced on and off the mat. Megan received her training through Yoga Fit, but considers herself a life-long learner. She enjoys taking classes from other instructors, participating in workshops, and taking additional courses as a way to gain further understanding and experience. She is forever grateful for the instructors she has met along the way and hopes to provide a  safe, non-judgemental environment for beginners. Classes will focus on connecting the body to the breath, fundamentals for development of basic poses, and letting go of expectations.

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Megan Mingarelle

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Jesse Watkins

Jesse Watkins

Jesse began his yoga practice in 2014 as a way to recover from half marathon training, but his practice truly deepened in 2016 as he came to a crossroad in his life. Jesse signed up for yoga teacher training and was able to begin instructing twice daily in a rehabilitation facility. Teaching in this setting helped him realize the true impact yoga can make on the lives of so many people. Now, Jesse enjoys practicing yoga at least 5 days per week to keep his mind and body happy and healthy. Outside of yoga, Jesse enjoys golfing, hockey, snowboarding, and camping at the beach to recharge his soul. Jesse is also a cat dad to his “Pride of Mini-Tigers” that he fiercely leads. Jesse has multiple years of teaching experience and looks forward to teaching in Dreaming Tree Yoga's “amazing space.” Yoga has been the main influence on Jesse’s wellness. When discussing his teaching Jesse said, “the amount of satisfaction and gratitude that comes from teaching can’t be measured. I truly believe yoga is for everyone and love having a part in spreading that belief!”

Christina Costello

Christina started her yoga practice 10 years ago. Managing a career in education and at the same time, having two tiny humans at home, exercise and daily stress was becoming difficult to manage. She needed an outlet to relieve stress and some time to focus on herself. While physical fitness is what originally drew Christina to yoga, a passion for holistic wellness and a deep understanding of the mind-body connection soon followed. She realized the importance of taking care of herself first. She has continued to strengthen her practice over the last couple years, and has enjoyed connecting with like minded people. Christina completed her 100 hour certification with Amazing Yoga in 2024. She aims to empower students to cultivate strength, flexibility, and inner peace. Christina’s classes blend upbeat music with fluid vinyasa sequences. Each session is crafted to challenge your body, awaken your spirit, and leave you feeling energized and centered.


Christina Costello

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